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Disciplinary Forum, Project Area C, Summer Term 2014

Topic: Experimental setups for skin penetration studies

Organisation: Dr. Sarah Küchler (C02), PD Dr. Annika Vogt (C04)

Date: Fri June 20, 2014

Time: 9:00 -13:00 hrs (9:00 am - 1:00 pm) (0.5 CP)

Location: Institut für Pharmazie, Freie Universität Berlin, Campus Dahlem, Königin-Luise-Str. 2-4, Seminar Room 1

Language: English

Participation and registration: for SFB 1112 members only; please register with Jeannette Getzin / jeannette.getzin (at) fu-berlin.de

Preliminary Program:



2 presentations

2x 20 min (approx.)

Vogt: skin differences among species
(human, pig, mouse)

Küchler: reconstructed skin, test procedures for dermal absorption testing, diffusion cells



Reports from the Bench Part I*

10 min

TP C02 Hönzke

10 min

TP C02 Löwenau

15 min


10 min

TP C03 Radbruch

10 min

TP C03 Pischon

15 min





Coffee Break




Reports from the Bench Part II

10 min

TP C04 Frombach

10 min

TP C04 Döge

10 min

TP C04 Rancan

15 min


10 min

TP C05 Jung

10 min

TP C05 Knorr

15 min



*Reports from the Bench

  1. Short presentations (10 min) on current approaches and recent results in the respective projects.
  2. Followed by 15 min discussion on the specific experience, analysis of potentials and pitfalls of the presented results.