selected courses Biomedical Sciences Winter Term 2014/15
G 4 |
Introductory course: Solving problems in biostatistical analysis and experimental design in the life sciences, 1 SWS, max. 15 part.(own questions will be welcome) |
G 7 |
Good scientific practice and copyright: implementations and consequences for scientific work, 3 h, min. 10 part., 05. Nov. 2014, 16:15-17:45, Lecture hall in Düppel, tba |
Aschenbach |
S 02a |
Cell and Epithelial Transport Mechanisms, Lecture and Laboratory Course, 1 ½ SWS, max. 20 part., Two whole days, |
Stumpff, Kolisek |
S 10b |
Technics in Proteomics – 2D/DIGE & MALDI-TOF, two days seminar with theoretical and practical part, 8 h, min. 3, max. 6 part., 28. + 29. January 2015, Institute for Animal Hygiene, room will be announced |
Murugaiyan |
S 12b |
Generation and Phenotyping of Genetically Engineered Animals, Seminar, 2 h, max. 20 part., by arrangement, Düppel Robert–von–Ostertag–Str. 15, seminar room (Veterinary Pathology) |
Gruber |
S BCP1 |
Embryonic Stem Cell Test, Seminar, 1 SWS, max. 10 part., February 19, 2015, 1:30-6:00pm, Institute of Pharmacy, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4, seminar room and lab |
Kral |
S 02c |
Cell Culture, seminar and practical training, 8 h, (2 days, 4 h each), – Düppel seminar room Veterinary Physiology, Oertzenweg 19b, 14163 Berlin (This is a new course and details will be announced soon) |
Amasheh |
S 06b |
Applied Flow Cytometrie, Seminar,2 SWS, 8 – max. 12 part. |
Hartmann, |
SpS 7 |
How to write and publish a Scientific Paper, Seminar 4 h, max. 24 participants |
SpS 6 |
Literature research and the EndNote Program – Introduction and basic answers, Seminar 8 h, max. 24 participants
Selected classes and teaching from Biomedical Sciences Winter Term 2014/15