Doktorandensymposium Biomedical Sciences: 22. September 2017
Dear DRS, VetMed and BCP doctoral students!
It is our pleasure to organize this year’s Doktorandensymposium that will happen on Friday, September 22nd 2017 at the Veterinarium Progressum in Düppel.
In 2017, the Doktorandensymposium is back on its 10th edition, giving the doctoral candidates the opportunity to present and discuss their project development, results, and even meet a bunch of other nice and friendly doctoral students. Oh, and let’s not forget: the participation in this event will grant you many credits for it ;-)
Thus, we kindly ask you to reply to this mail by June 15th 2017 at the latest, demonstrating the interest in being part in this event.
Please reply to
All interested doctoral candidates will be admitted to the Symposiums Blackboard course and will be asked to provide an abstract of 200 words. Either, if you are giving a talk or presenting a poster, all students should provide an abstract. The information on abstract formatting you will find attached, which you will just need to fill in to choose between a poster and a talk.
The deadline for submission of the abstract will be July 1st 2017. Please be aware of this deadline, as delayed abstracts will not be accepted. 2017_DokSym_Abstract Formatting.doc
We are excited to receive your abstract proposals for oral and poster contributions, and look forward to your participation. For further information or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much! The organization committee, Giuliano Corte Kira Fiedermutz Jenny Fürstenau Katharina Hohlbaum Monika Krahnstöver Eva-Maria Löken Gerzon Motola Moritz Pfeiffenberger De Xi